
Tahun Baru.. Lagi

Khusus nih post, gw pake bhs indonesia dan bahasa sedikit tidak benar.

Ok, so first of all, Happy New Year.. Doa buat diri lu masing2 ya!


Jadi sekarang kita uda memasuki tahun baru 2009. Jujur, 2008 adalah salah satu tahun terpenting gw. Gw lulus SMP, gw msk SMA, gw punya band yg bener2 bener, dan banyak lainnya. Jadi goodbye 2008.

Tapi seperti biasa, gw suka menganalisa, dan kali ini gw menganalisa arti dari pergantian tahun itu sendiri. Intinya ganti tahun adalah kita beli kalender baru. Ada juga yg bilang, kita mulai lagi dari awal. Ya bener, dari 31 desember jadi 1 januari lg. Tp sebenernya waktu itu adalah sesuatu yg abstrak, yg membuat itu penting hanyalah angka yg mengiringinya. Betul?

Angka2 itu berperan sangat penting hingga membuat org2 mau tidur malam dan menghabiskan waktu di luar niup trompet ato nyalain petasan. membuat semuanya menjadi meriah. Sehingga malam tahun baru lebih meriah dibandingkan malam idul fitri ato malam natal. Padahal lbh pentingan idul fitri ato natal. 

Sebegitu besarkah arti 1 Januari? Tidak. Kalo taun baru jatuh pada tanggal 24 Maret, org2 akan berkelakuan sama. Jadi apa? Artinya 1 Januari hanyalah korban dari waktu (ceileh). Lalu mengapa org merayakan taun baru? Menurut gw, manusia punya kecenderungan untuk mengulang. Coba aja liat org maen game, gak mungkin gak ngulang. Karena manusia senang akan fakta bahwa sesuatu dapat diulang. Jadi gw rasa, mereka merayakan taun baru karena mereka senang 365 hari yg telah mereka lalui dapat terulang dari awal lagi. Seakan-akan hidup adalah permainan, emg iya sih, tp dipermainan, sekali mengulang, lu bener2 mengulang. Di dalam hidup, tidak pernah ada kata kembali dari awal, kecuali lu reinkarnasi.


Sejauh ini, baru segini analisa gw, otak udah stuck.. Good Night.. Good Year (merk ban)





Posted via web from Jani


Enstein vs. Ronaldo ((tag: Einstein, Ronaldo, Comic)


Posted via email from Jani

Logo Kotak Musik

Actually this band already have 2 logos, and those are my creation, and i neverr satisfied of it. So, I decided to make a brand new logo, here it is:

Posted via email from Jani


Define: Communication

When people born, they realized that they need each other, they are connected each other, and they need to communicate.


Of course, the first kind of communication is verbal communication, which using our voices. Someone said, that words that coming out from our mouth only represent 10% of the communication, the rest is our body language (how we move when we say it, the intonation, etc).

Then people are moving, and voice can't reach to far place. Then, they found "Letter". So you can write, and others can read. But, sometimes, the readers can misunderstand. Probably because, words only represent 10%.

After that, Telephone was founded. Now, people from far place can hear others' voice from far place. But the invention wasn't stop.

WWW (read: internet) was found, and maybe its a biggest communication invention. You see, people interact with computer (for hours), and internet make computer connected. It means that people in front of computer can communicate, and internet is around the globe. 

At first, chat was founded, but it was not like nowadays chat. Then, email. And maybe, the nowadays chat. At last, Skype. Skype make phone call is free, we can see other people face around the globe, see what their doing, see their body language. It almost like you meet the person. And it almost what I can say 100% communication. Well, that's what it called Video Call. 

Actually, what you've read is only the introduction. What I want to share is the communication in this day. When technology make people easier to interact/communicate, the people itself makes it hard communicate.

For example, when you are texting/sms-ing you probably would shortened the words. If words only represent 10%, how much shortened words would represent.

Another example:

"add me...homsach_virgirl@yahoo.com LißuR ßT nehH...d0mpet 6 tipiS...m0 jLn bren9...tkt ment0X...xm5'an..klw gx ma ch0 rese..gx smangat...tp 6 bahagya k0o..aD s0ßat skali9us kk 6 trsayan9...M...R...S..."

I got this from a shoutout of a person that added me on friendster, this is what I called "Hard Communication". Somehow this makes me hard to understand. I believe if she use regular words, only alpahabet (not numeral that replacong some alpahabet) it will be a lot lot lot easier for me to understand.

Some people say it is "Gaul" when you do things like that. But why you say "Gaul" if its hard to communicate.

And, that sort of things became joke of mine and my friends. And we don't think it is "Gaul" but, "Kampung".

Well, the conclusion is, technology make us easier to interact between each other, from voice, words, photos, videos we can make people around the globe read, hear, and see it. So, let's not make it becaming hard again.


Gotta get some sleep..




Posted via web from Jani

Indonesia Pen Spinning Community

To be honest, this post I made only to promote my pen spinning forum. Since I know that posterous is easier and faster to be found in google than blogger, so I think, I need to promote it again.

So, I made a forum with my friend. That forum is about pen spinning, and focusing on Indonesian. So, all thread is in Indonesia, not english.

check it out!

Posted via email from Jani


Review: Eccoutez - Positive

So, this is my review of Ecoutez's latest album titled Positive. Basically it has 10 songs inside of it. But, since I download the songs instead of buy the album, so I just have 7 out of 10. And this is the review.


First time I saw this album is in a music store, and my first impression is "what a terrible cover". Yes it is, very horrible cover. How people would be attracted if the cover is like that. Because of that, I didn't buy the album. 

Then on Twitter, people are talking about the album. So I decided to download it from here, www.misshacker.com

And I download those 7 songs. The funny thing is, IMHO, the best song is the intro which has duration around 3 minutes. The other song is just like regular songs, which means "If you play it, I don't get bothered, but i wouldn't be bother to play it". Until now, I'm just playing the intro.

About the genre, it still ecoutez, it has jazz, groove, and pop. They don't change their genre to a cheesy pop/rock that spreading all over Indonesia. 

Overall, I give 3 stars out of 5 for this album. Not bad.


Posted via web from Jani

My Guitar

When the time, I'm still using blogger, I once tried to upload a picture, but its taking a hell of a time, so I decide to put in posterous

So this is my guitar, the name is Fender Squier Hot Rails Deluxe Stratocaster

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from Jani

Kotak Musik

This is my first try posting at posterous using email and has video on it.

This song called "Terdiam", originally played by Maliq n d'essential.

Posted via email from Jani

Pokemon Crater Reborn

Maybe some of you guys know an online game called "Pokemon Crater". Yeah, basically it just like a pokemon game in gameboy, but somehow a pokemon fanatic named Aaron with his friend make a website where you can play pokemon on internet for free. The great thing is you can battle with other people, ONLINE. This website has 400.000 users around the world, and that's website had been running for 8 years, but in December 2007, the site was closed. Aaron say that he's going to finish his college and will get busy of life, so he can't manage the website again. Actually, I don't buy it, I think Nintendo banned the website, because it has no license. So, the site was closed, and leaving 400.000 users dissapointed.


But, yesterday I was googling about pokemon crater, and guess what? I found a guy name Kyro and he wants to rebuilt pokemon crater. The site is not fully finish, but it quite good as a start. 


it has similar design and layout, also game playing, overall is good. But, it still beta 0.1, so, it still has many of lacks. But, I'm just glad that I can play that game again. Huh..


For my blogspot readers:

From now on I'm using english as my language and I'm posting it not from blogger again but from a new blog service called "Posterous". www.posterous.com. It's so easy

Posted via web from Jani

Test.. Test.. As Always

Okay, so this is my first post at posterous.

So far, they had my mind blow away. Nice layout and design, i think i will discontinue my other blog.

Now, i'm just testing them, they look very good! Nice job posterous!

Posted via web from jani's posterous


Twilight Movie Review

Ya, kemaren gw baru ntn Twilight - telat bgt sih gw. Padahal minggu lalu gw ditawarin ma rehan tiket premiere Twilight, cuman kecapekan ntn jakjazz jadi gw tolak. So, kemaren gw tonton. Ini adalah review gw.

1. Twilight Tidak Jelek
2. Cowonya Ganteng (so gay)
3. Tidak Membosankan
4. Ceritanya Lain dari yang lain
5. Viewnya sangat bagus
6. Sangat Kelam
7. Overall Menghibur

Jadi gw kasih 7/10. Namun, sepulang dari ntn gw liat di imdb.com & rottentomatoes.com, dan mendapati Twilight tidak mendapatkan rating yang bagus, berkisar antara 5-6/10. Ya tapi menurut gw Twilight baguslah dibanding film2 lain yg lagi ada di bioskop. Oh ya, satu lagi, sebelum ntn gw beli bukunya yg limited edition (wehey) dan di rumah gw baca, baru 30 halaman sih, tapi ternyata bukunya lebih seru dibanding filmnya. Hehe.. Baca lagi ah.


Are You Ready For Java Jazz?

Wooww, tanpa terasa Java Jazz akan datang dalam 3 bulan, bersiap-siaplah. Gw sendiri masih kena fevernya Jakjazz yang gila bgt, dan dapat dipastikan gw akan ntn Java Jazz.

So, gw research ke javajazzfestival.com
dan mendapatkan beberapa info:

1. Ada kemungkinan Jason Mraz datang
2. Ada kemungkinan George Benson
3. Harga early bird yang sangat murah, 500 rb untuk 3 day pass
4. Dan 195 rb untuk 1 day pass

harga special show belum ada, tapi akan ada dalam waktu dekat, so keep updating
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